Lake Mary Contempt Enforcement of Orders Attorney
Child support is an absolutely essential financial tool for millions of single parents across the country. Spousal support is also an essential tool, used to go back to school, to pay for a normal standard of living during a divorce, or to help an ex-spouse who has a disability or advanced age that may keep them from being able to re-enter the workforce, for example. Yet, support orders come with an added complication that few people realize until later. You may have ‘won’ your child support, spousal support, or property division ruling, but unfortunately that does not mean the other party will automatically adhere to the court-order. Many delinquent ex-spouses and parents routinely ignore these rulings, making life difficult for the other party. Thankfully, there are measures that you can take to ensure that the other party pays what they owe. By working with one of the experienced Lake Mary contempt enforcement of orders attorneys at The Troum Law Firm, P.A., we can file a Motion for Contempt in order to uphold the ruling and ensure that the other party is finally held accountable.
Types of Support Orders
Support decrees are commonly ignored by the party responsible for paying. An ex-spouse who has refused to pay, or is constantly late, on the following types of support can be held accountable by a motion for contempt:
- Child support;
- Alimony / Spousal support; and
- Distribution of marital property.
How The Court Enforces Support Orders
The state of child support highlights the need for better enforcement systems. 30 percent of child support payments are never made, while over half of all child support payments are only paid in part, leaving an estimated $10 billion in unpaid child support nationally, according to CBS News. Child support and spousal support orders can both be enforced by a judge with the following methods:
- Wage garnishment;
- Place a lien on their property;
- Suspend their driver’s license, professional license, or vehicle registration;
- Seizure of bank accounts;
- Seizure of income tax refund;
- Seizure of lottery winnings;
- Suspend a passport; or
- Jail or prison time.
The Federal Parent Locator Service
The Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) can be used to track down delinquent paying parents who owe child support, and have simply disappeared (often out of state). The FPLS works with state agencies to locate the non-paying parent in the following ways:
- Parent gets a new job;
- Parent claims for unemployment;
- Parent’s job has quarterly payment information available.
The FPLS then works with the state agency to enforce the order and back payment. Furthermore, the FPLS can also enforce payments in other ways, such as automatically denying a passport for any person who owes more than $2,500 in child support payments.
Contact Our Lake Mary Contempt Enforcement Order Lawyers Today
If the other ex-spouse or non custodial parent is late on payments, owes thousands in late support, has refused to pay for any reason, is ignoring your emails or calls, or has simply vanished, you need to contact an attorney. The same is true if the other spouse has not followed the court’s orders when it comes to division of marital assets, such as keeping a car, withholding cash, or not leaving a property. To ensure that the decree is upheld, call the Lake Mary contempt enforcement order lawyers at day at the Troum Law Firm, P.A. today at 321-428-2247 to schedule a consultation.